Luis Altieri (born July 9, 1962, in Buenos Aires is an Argentine visual artist and yogi.
He studied at the AEBA (Asociación Estímulo de Bellas Artes, Association Stimulus of Fine Arts), and later in workshops with Carlos Terribili, Carlos Tessarolo or Víctor Chab.
He has made individual or collective exhibitions in several places.
He has made countless group exhibitions in the country and abroad and about thirty individual exhibitions including an itinerant one throughout much of the province of Buenos Aires during 2007, touring museums and cultural centers.
In 2008 he joined the Argentine commission for the "Kunst10Daagse", 10 days of Art, Bergen, Holland.
2003/2007 Training as a therapist at the School of Energy Dynamics of the Psyche, DEP. Transpersonal approach with bioenergetic base.
His extensive work in the artistic area, through drawing and painting has complemented and enriched in a very special way his therapeutic vision.
He has made individual and collective exhibitions in the country and abroad since 1995, documenting his exhibitions in various catalogs.
1990 / 1996 Member of AAPY (Argentine Association of Yoga Teachers) taking different complementary training courses with Yoga.
Training at "Vidya Mandir", Dakshina Tantra school with Professor Paulo Murilo Rosas, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Training in Iyengar Yoga with teachers Fernando Calviño and Marina Chaselon, in Buenos Aires.
Since 1985 he has been teaching in a group and individual way, incorporating other Western approaches to self-knowledge such as the Guestaltic, Jungian and Bioenergetic vision.
1983 / 1990 He is trained as a hatha yoga instructor and teacher of comparative philosophies of East and West at the Hastinapura Foundation.
2013 Casa de la Cultura de La Paz, Entre Rios, Galas del Rio / Grillo Arte Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay / 2012 Grillo Arte Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay / 2011 "Homo Ludens" , C. C. Rouges, San Miguel de Tucumán / "Alta Frecuencia", C. C. Recoleta, Buenos Aires / "Pinturas", Palacio Duhau, Buenos Aires / 2010 "Los Sueños del Buda", Thames Gallery, City of Buenos Aires / Grillo Arte Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay / 2009 Grillo Arte Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay / "Ultimo Juego", Thames Gallery, City of Buenos Aires / 2008 "Paintings", University of San Martín, Province of Buenos Aires / Grillo Arte Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay / 2007 "Lìber Còlor", traveling exhibition through the province of Buenos Aires: Mercedes, Chivilvcoy, Carlos Casares, Trenque Lauquen, Almirante Brown, Berazategui, La Plata and gallery PISOUNO, La Plata / "Recent Works" Congress of the Nation, Cabezas room.2006 "Fantastic Life" Isidro Miranda Gallery, Buenos Aires / 2005 "Ver de Colorado" University of Bologna, Buenos Aires / "Celestial Clays" Isidro Miranda Gallery, Buenos Aires / 2004 "Green Oranges" Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires / 2003 "Imaginal Kingdom" Multispace Pavilion IV, Buenos Aires / 2002 "La belleza del Inconciente", C. C. Gral. San Martín, Sala I, Buenos Aires / 2001 "Obra sobre papel" Museo Guaman Poma, Entre Ríos, Argentina / "Salvaje/Animal" Galería Praxis Arte Internacional, Lima, Peru. / "ArteBA", Lo Scarabeo Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina. / 2000 "Color Humano" Lo Scarabeo Gallery, Bs.As. / 1998 "Corpus Vehemens" Borkas Gallery, Miraflores, Lima, Peru / Palacio de las Artes Belgrano R. Bs. As. / Piola Espacio de Arte, Bs. As. / La Escalera Ramos Mejía Gallery, Buenos Aires. / 1997 Centro Cultural Gral. San Martín, Sala I, Bs. As. / 1996 "Romualdo y Familia" C. C. Ciencias Económicas, U.B.A. / Casa de la Provincia de San Luis, Bs. As. / Fundación Andreani, Buenos Aires / 1995 "El lado oscuro" Galería Forma, Buenos Aires..
COLLECTIVES (selection)
2013 International Biennial of Art and Painting, Resistencia, Chaco./ La Máquina de la Pintura, Galería Arte y Parte,Ciudad de buenos Aires /La Máquina de la Pintura, "EGGO", Daimon Arte, C.C.Recoleta, Ciudad de Bs.As.2012 "EGGO" Daimon Arte,C.C.Recoleta, Ciudad de Buenos Aires /2011 "Expo trastiendas" Daimon Arte, Ciudad de Buenos Aires / 2010 "Expo trastiendas" Norma Duek , City of Buenos Aires / 2009 "Classical Art", H1 Art, City of Buenos Aires / "Expo backrooms", Daimon Arte, City of Buenos Aires /2008 "Kunst10Daagse", Classical Art, Bergen, Holland / "Expo backrooms" PISOUNO artediseño, City of Buenos Aires / 2007 "The Word", López Claro Museum, Azul, Pcia. de Buenos Aires / "Expo trastiendas", PISOUNO artediseño / 2006 "Expo trastiendas", Daimon Arte y Florencia Salas arte contemporaneo / 2005 "Cuerpos Pintados" Centro de Exposiciones, Buenos Aires / 2004 "Salón Nacional de Artes Plásticas", Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires / "Expo trastiendas", Galería Isidro Miranda, Buenos Aires / 2003 "We have gathered before the sun", Latin American collective of visual arts, Lima, Peru / 2002 Tècnique mixtes sobre paper, NOA, Barcelona, Spain /"I Muestra de Arte Latinoamericano" Casal de Cultura de Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain / "expo- trastiendas II" C.C. Borges, Galería Renoir, Buenos Aires / 2001 "Lima- Buenos Aires ida y vuelta", C.C. San Martín, Sala I, Buenos Aires / 2000 1° Bienal internacional "El Antimovimiento", 1st prize, Pavilion IV, Bs. As. / "Nuevas Realidades" Galería Obsidiana Lima, Peru / "Peru-Argentina" Euroidiomas Gallery, Lima, Peru / XXII Salón Nacional de Pintura Museo de Bellas Artes de Luján, Bs. As. / 1999 "Lima – Buenos Aires ida y vuelta" Inst. Cultural Peruano N.Americano, Lima, Peru. /Museo Benito Quinquela Martín, Bs.As./ Salón Otoño SAAP, Painting; National Library /"Libros de Artistas IV", Museo E, Sívori, Buenos Aires./ 1998 "Once Pintores Argentinos" Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Peru./ "Once Pintores Argentinos" Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Cusco, Perú./ 1997 "Artistas Plásticos Argentinos" The Florida Museum of H.& Latin American Art., Miami./ Salón Nacional de Pintura Alianza Francesa, Buenos Aires / 1996 "Premio Jerusalem" de Pintura, Museo E. Sívori, C.C. Recoleta, Bs.As./ "ARVITRA" C.C. San Martín, Buenos Aires / Mural Asociación Estímulo de Bellas Artes / 1995 Salón Pintura Rotary club, Buenos Aires / Salón Pintura Colegio Ward, Ramos Mejía, Bs.As. / 1994 Asoc. Stimulus of Fine Arts, Bs. As. / 1993 Asoc. Stimulus of Fine Arts.